
A blog for knitters, stressed stepmothers and just general craziness

Monday, January 29, 2007

Still alive here, just cold

Well its just completely freezing. I don't think I have felt my hands since yesterday. I know I live in Kentucky, but I AM COLD.

My secret pal, Ms. Diane Kardash, rocks! I had a surprise on my doorstep. It was 2 skeins of Rimini Rainbow from Plymouth (in purple, what other color is there? ) and some beautiful brittany needles, with a pattern to make a great hat or scarf. To keep me warm of course. She has been a great secret pal! I've really enjoyed the whole experience. Its great to meet knitters from other parts of the country and have something in common, Knitting!

Anyway, I must go and put something in the oven so we don't starve tonight.

Oh, the weight loss thing. I have lost 10.6 pounds so far. 10 down and 47 to go. I hope to be done around the middle of June, but this time it is taking longer to loose weight, I suppose because I'm not as heavy as when I first lost the 87 lbs in 2004-2005. Also, I'm older so its supposed to be harder the older you get. We'll see.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pondering the mysteries of the universe

Well after the eerily addictive crocheting lesson on Saturday, I have found myself at a loss for what to knit on. Nothing seems to satisfy. No, I'm not converting to the dark side, I just don't know which UFO to devote myself to. Should I finish the Icarus shawl that I started on vacation this summer? Should I finish setting in the sleves for the pink Noro sweater? Should I finish the garter stitch Noro jacket that I started about 2 months ago? Or should I unorphan some Lorna's Laces socks? Should I use the yummy cotton from my SP to make some great mitts as I can't feel my fingers right now, cause its soooo cold. I just am torn. Maybe its cause I am HUNGRY all the time. I am back to my WW points and its the beginning of week 2. Its sort of strange how the first time I lost weight this way I wasn't impatient at all, I just sort of let it come off. Now I just like, OK I want to be in my size 12's again and it better get here soon. DH says its because of having been there already I am more impatient to get back there, in contrast to just getting there in the first place. Who knows....Total weight loss so far 5 pounds. I weigh in again on Saturday so I will let you all know.

Oh I did finish something recently. A Charlotte's web shawl. Its not blocked or anything yet, but I am finished knitting/crocheting it.

DH has mislaid the camera so no pics of it yet, when he gets home I will try and get him to find it so that I can post one.

I leave you with this thought, Why do cats always throw up on the kitchen rug? Why can't they barf on the wide expanse of linoleum that surrounds the rug? I mean you have to wash the rug to achieve clean, but you can just spot mop the linoleum. Please someone give me an explanation......