
A blog for knitters, stressed stepmothers and just general craziness

Monday, January 29, 2007

Still alive here, just cold

Well its just completely freezing. I don't think I have felt my hands since yesterday. I know I live in Kentucky, but I AM COLD.

My secret pal, Ms. Diane Kardash, rocks! I had a surprise on my doorstep. It was 2 skeins of Rimini Rainbow from Plymouth (in purple, what other color is there? ) and some beautiful brittany needles, with a pattern to make a great hat or scarf. To keep me warm of course. She has been a great secret pal! I've really enjoyed the whole experience. Its great to meet knitters from other parts of the country and have something in common, Knitting!

Anyway, I must go and put something in the oven so we don't starve tonight.

Oh, the weight loss thing. I have lost 10.6 pounds so far. 10 down and 47 to go. I hope to be done around the middle of June, but this time it is taking longer to loose weight, I suppose because I'm not as heavy as when I first lost the 87 lbs in 2004-2005. Also, I'm older so its supposed to be harder the older you get. We'll see.


  • At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! Great job on your weight!

    I'm so happy that the last package made it to you safe and sound. I hope that it's warmed up there now!

    Much love from Alaska
    YSP9! Diane K

  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Congratulations!! I'm pround as as a peach.

  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Holly said…

    Dude. You cannot possibly still be cold. Blog, you fiend!


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